Heyyyyyy.. from Moon twp


parkbench…you must be chris huh haha

nah i never ran at the track, i do mostly Autocross… in the low 13 area though

but i can dig up videos

yea its me


Welcome, I may have seen you before… but I don’t know.

oh shit iv seen you befor

still wouldnt race the mr2 :kekegay:


why waste his gas?



welcome. very nice car

Nice car, makes me wish I still had my Subbie. Welcome.

ehh from what i heard from keith your times were not too impressive anyways :smiley:

15.85 :kekegay:


coincidently, that is dan’s goals against average also!

red car > black car.

and I had a time slip for the red car.

yes thats what your car runs :kekegay:

Please jion us in our other forums!!

stop whoring New Members forum Dan or u get a :ban: