Hi from Buffalo (UB North)

how cool would it be if their was a racing forum dedicated to people from UB. I am surprised that has not happened yet.

edit: welcome to the forum

^ lol.

welcome ill be sure to ding your car like every other douche pot pie who parks next to my cars in the UB lots lol


I made a ding one someone’s car. Only once.
It was the wind that blew my door open. :banghead:


you obviously missed the joke.

welcome, UB here as well

Haha, my cousin used to pick on me about this when he found out I was going to UB. I still don’t get it. Was it seriously an online forum?

For some reason, this kid reeks of Cuban. Everytime I see him post, I cringe.

If you’re not Cuban, welcome!!

Howdy. I’ve got one degree from there and am 16 class sessions away from having a second degree from there.

welcome, i live right over there!

Welcome, UB as well