i have a huge dilema, this is my 5th post =[ i do not have paypal =[ i need a nyspeed hoodie so i can be cool , my friend also wants hoodies but does not have paypal and …im just in general sad=[ im also sick and sitting in the house bored so im typeing this random paragraph as something to do, also fbods rule ecspecially 3rd gens in no other car can you be soo cool playing disturbed and have the on demand ability to drive through a trailor park and have your pick of any hillbilly girl there just because of your vehicle and music choice which is sweet!!! ummm ricers suck fart cans are gay, rims that require lifting a oldschool car to fit them on it retarded and those people should diaf , umm i need a job , i need a nyspeed hoodie, i need to get unsick so i can go chill with some girls and have some fun thanks nyspeed this is my last post in this thread due to the 5 post rule i know people will reply to this long post in an atempt to make me post a 6th post which would disqualify me in this contest but im not falling for it so hahahah, haahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha ooooooooooooo oooooooooooo ahhhhhhhhhh ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh