Hilarious Nurburgring clip...

Focus vs M5


it looks like the m5 manages to avoid the focus.

I want more vid!!

shity cut

i dont get it

Oh yeah, and I believe (though I cant confirm) that this is at adenauer forst, which those of you who have played GT4/Forza a ton will know as the hard 2nd gear left hander after the uphill blind left hand 4th gear turn, so there was a ton of runoff and the M5 should’ve missed the wall. Again, I believe not confirmed.


how do you know the nurburgring that well?


how do you know the nurburgring that well?


Lets just say Mike has around 1000 hours at the ring…

… of course all via video games :slight_smile:

fuck dude why you gotta make me feel like that lol.

Did the Focus throw a tire at the BMW? It happened soo fast, it looked like a spaceship-like Laser lol

Yeah, that looks like Adenauer-Forst based on my video from my trip. I love the idiot comments on you-tube. The guys were clearly behind the armco but they make dumb comments like…

“looool fucktards what the hell are they doing on the track!”

“Lucky! But what kind of muppet stands in front of the crash barrier??”


Mike, you scare me. Seriously.