
ummm, Thats like over a year old.
still funny as fuk though!

thats like chris07assass after he got his wisdon teeth pulled

:rofl:rofl haha i sw this mad long ago but its soooooooooooo funny :lol

I wasn’t that bad. Although I was fighting with the nurse for a few minutes because she wouldn’t let me operate the wheel chair on my own. :lol

she didn’t want it to turn into days of thunder and go :retardclap racing down the hallway

This is old BUT still good, I feel bad for this kid, Nitrogen knocked this kid into spaceland

that kid is so faded…

old video but a great one, that kid and his parents were on Oprah in the sping

this is way better

that is wicked funny…

“ok now…ok now…ok now i’m fuckin high!”

lol i like this one http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bPztGB8toFU

REMIX- http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N618fLxQP6w&NR=1

lmao at the remix