hmmm... looking for software

more specifically, I’m looking for a Pontiac service manual/CD for the 2004 GTO. I can’t seem to find anything, but I know a bunch of you are pretty savy with this stuff.

lmk if you can find anything and I’ll buy you a beer

you could search torrents for it… lots times they have pdf’s of the ebooks

I tried searching but alas, couldn’t find anything for it :frowning: :tdown:

edit: and it doesn’t help that some kind of anime is also called “GTO” so you get a bunch of results but nothing for the car… yet atleast

i have alldata
Alldata v9.20 General Motors 1 Cars (2007)
Alldata v9.20 General Motors 2 Cars (2007)

               Buick			2001-06               
         ²    Buick Truck		2002-06                 ²  ²
         ²    Cadillac		2001-06                 Û  ²
         Û    Cadillac Truck	2002-06*                Û  °
         Û    Chevrolet		2001-06                 Û
         Û    Chevrolet Truck	2001-06                 Û
         Û    GMC Truck		2001-06                 Û
         Û    Hummer		2003-06                 Û
         Û    Oldsmobile		2001-04                 Û
         Û    Oldsmobile Truck	2001-04                 Û
         Û    Pontiac		2001-06                 Û
         Û    Pontiac Truck		2001-06                 Û
         Û    Saturn		2001-06                 Û
         Û    Saturn Truck		2002-06                 Û
         Û                                                  Û
         Û    * 2001 Cadillac Truck not produced            Û

oh snap… that sounds like what I’m looking for