The winter wheels don’t fit over the brakes, and the other stock wheels that do fit, don’t have tires on them.
The rush, is that my parents are getting on my ass to get the car out of the garage. Also, I’m rushing so that the wheels are here before the end of the month, cause I don’t want any more delays since there are events coming up soon.
Hmmm, some new wheels I might get are the Buddy CLub P1’s. 16lbs a wheels Isn’t too bad. I’m trying to find some 17x8 and 17x9, but the only ones found so far are 17x7 and 17x8. So we’ll see.
Yeah I’m sorry I’m not much help here either but I have to agree with Inzane, I loved your old rims, but if I had to pick out of the two I would go for the 57c.
I couldn’t agree more with Jay and Andru, those rims gave it a sleek style with a hint of meanness to it. I wouldn’t go for any of the volk rims you advertised.