Holty (27), rusty240det (26)

Happy Birthday :beer:


Happy Birthday Jason :beer:

you are old

Happy Birthday Jay :beer:

Happy Birthday.

Happy B Day

Hey Jason, I’m guessing Vaportrail will be doing all the work today.

So you can eat cake and ice cream and not have to touch any tools today.

Happy Birthday Jason & Holty:beer::beer:

happy b-day

happy b day

Jay, don’t get all emo and cry about being older and more emo. Just suck it up for the day.


He loves touching tools though, ecspecially the long fat ones. :kekegay:

Happy birthday man… we’re gettin drunk tonight.

Happy Birthday Jay :beer: trying to get haaaammmered?

right on jay… i owe you a :beer:

happy day yinz two.

haha…he’s stuck at jury duty today, so i’ll still be doing all the work