Holty's new best time

R/T … .279
60’ … 1.695
330 … 5.096
1/8 … 7.948
MPH … 85.64
1000… 10.450
1/4 … 12.566
MPH … 106.58

WOOHOO! not bad for a heavy ass AWD truck.

woot congrats josh

woot congrats

yea congrats josh!!!





thanks guys, i think its got a 12.4X in it, just have to figure out the tune. this speed density tuning is not the easiest.




very nice!! congrats!!

awsome is it still all motor?

sick man sick.

on a side note i used your hottub until 640 sunday morning.

gettin drunk chicks you meet at the bar to drive to your house and hook up FTW… it was getting light out figured it was time to get out of the hottub. :naughty:

Great time holty!!!

congrats holty!!!

nooooooo. supercharged.

mac, glad to hear you making good use of it. wish i could’ve been there.