Home Loans

what is your rate?

Oh…RLY? Our house is in my wifes name…Both of us have excellent credit. Hmmmmmm, can I buy a house JUST in my name? Even if I’m married? I make half what she makes so how would it work?

you can do anything you want with your own name & ssn.

Well that just opens up a shitload of possibilities, thanks.

you cannot get a sonyma loan if you’re married and the combined is over 64k. it also won’t be your first home so you wouldn’t qualify anyway.

unless you can explain that your wife will not be living in the house and they buy it (which they won’t)

and justin could have had a 5.0% loan due to his low income IF he had passed on the $5000 in cash. (I’m guessing it takes about 8 years to break even on not taking the cash, then you’d save about $50 a month)


lol. k.

at the time 6.5% was a good rate. the 30 yr fixed was averaging around 6.7%
unfortunately for me i bought a house when the rates peaked