Homeland Security Official Arrested


Yeah this guy was not smart. He was so horned up by the thought of a 14 year old girl that he gave “her” his office and company cell phone numbers.

lol…I just heard about this on WBEN. (yeah, I listen to AM…but that’s because FM sucks in the morning.)

pwned :mamoru:


your doing a hell of a job pedro, i mean pedo

bwaaaahahaha … he sent her dirty pictures … as if 14 yr olds want dirty pictures of old men

“you look like my daddy, i wanna suck your dick” <— not gonna happen

LMAO, he has the pedo-smile!


hey, whatever, we need someone to protect our country from those 14 year old A-rab girl terrorists, you will be sorry when he is gone. It will open an hole in our homeland security procedures.