Honda 2 leg drive. Moving forward.

The Honda Asimo commercial.

The human like qualities they’ve translated are amazing, especially for something that’s only at the beginning of the evolution.

Let me put it this way, if I had to destroy the Asimo with a heavy blunt object, I’d take a second to ponder before the first swing. :ponder

They will take over. Its but a matter of time.

What the hell is the point of that little bastard

I remember not too long ago when the first talks of this came out. Its quite impressive. It would be great for the elderly community. Daily things such as taking out trash, picking up the paper, etc…

but one thing scares me

the movie Irobot comes to mind LOL

A little more into the ASIMO,

The question is: can it perform oral sex?

needs tits.


Would smash :lol

WTF nips! :lol