Honda <^<<><#>BMW<>%<%Audi>>><<>^vVW

no, no k series bologna. and ill race for fun, no one ever asks me to race:’(

:lol Sounds good man

Well put it this way. Nick doesnt hate on any type of vehicle from what ive seen. Honda’s can be quick from what ive gathered. No heated leather and all that jazz but ya get what ya pay for. They are cheap! personally, im into honda’s, as well as every other car, just that honda’s are more my cup of tea at the moment. Mostly because im not Ballllllllllin and in school. I also love VW’s and Audi’s as well. Im going to pick an audi up in a few years, Neways, enough with the Honda nut swingers in this thread. I loved that probe. F’in thing was redic. 35r, Synapse Manifold, come on Nick post up its credentials.

Nick tell issac to sell that shit back asap

Ill run ur b20v :ohnoes

probe ftw

what cams?


what cams do you have. and didnt you buy a k24 from ryan.

No cams. No K24

oh i thought he told me you were gonna pick it all up. other bills come up? and sure ill race.:hug

Wtf happened to 5 pages? lol

Turd fergeson!

i dont think barking up that tree is a good idea. joking or not.

so you swept the floors at Synapse, and now you are the man?

this thread isnt about his S4. but running 11.8x with a 3700lb car, with OEM parts is pretty impressive id say. the Probe, if he ever got a chance to put his 1000cc’s in it would have been a retarded car. with maxed out 550’s he pulled on Stallmers red hatch(11.80 car) which is still more than you have accomplished . whehter its a joke or not, you have to be careful with how you say things. especially when youre not very well known by many people, let alone by Nick. :gtfo

if i were to say K20’s suck and i think honda’s are junk nearly everyone would know im joking. its a different scenario.

school? i dunno lol. im not up on my “stallmers expenses” info.

Shit got split like it should

Haha understandable lol

No one is up to stallmers mind changes. He will want a new set up in t-minus 24 days

actually Porsche = VW =Audi = Lamborghini.

your an idiot. it was a joke. proving vw dudes are uptight. and i dont think im the man for working at synapse, and im a welder, i just happen to enjoy working in a clean shop its not my fault im the only who cleans the fab area.