Hondas in da house

My buddy Raj was hanging out of the T-Tops to grab some of these shots, I have the new epic photography car :lol He said it was really stable up there even at 75-80.

Cars are:

K20power and his white EG Civic sedan
LKSi and his silver DC2 Integra
bigred and his grey/purple “TDI”

I don’t think I’m in any of the pictures :lol , but I don’t have a reason to be… yet

Here’s a preview, I’ve got half of them coming to me in a .zip file as we speak and the other half are being edited as we speak.

okay here’s a lot more:

i think he’s got even more he still has to upload


^joe jiggs THINKS he knows how to take pictures

and the money shot:

this guy (Raj) gets PERMA-shotty in my car after this shoot :lmao :thumb

i gotta get him to make a name on here

Can’t see shit…it’s small as fuck, I hope the rest aren’t that size…

no they aint, i just didnt feel like resizing it

I see only one picture… lock 1


yea theres only 1 pic.

did the stI race?

Nah it was some hot girl and her mom, car was sickkkkk though. Texas plates.

:facepalm :facepalm

and no the STi didn’t race


Yeah, I really don’t understand why the thread wasn’t made when ALL the pics were ready to be posted :facepalm

well he said that they’re on the way and you are up my ass every 45 min looking for them so i figured id just post what i have :facepalm

:facepalm:facepalm… I came into this thread wanting to see hondas in the house and all I saw was one dumpy picture :facepalm


This is a bunch of bullSHIT!!! No pics, wtf…

i was the one who said you have the perfect rolling shot car.

patience, grasshopper

you were right :lol kid was a fucking trooper, just knelt on the seat and took pics forward, backward, whatever. rested the camera on the roof, seemed to be very stable pictures from what i’ve seen so far


still waiting…

same :facepalm kid is out to dinner or some shit :lol
