How bout those hoodies? Any word on when they are shipping? Ill be at Lackland AFB in a few weeks… doubt Ill need a hoodie there.
Got some bad news… I ordered the hoodies in December and they were supposed to be done the first week of January. After the first week of January I started calling to get the status. He finally picked up today and just told me flat out he did not do them and it wasn’t going to happen. It is pretty upsetting that it ended like this. He has made 100s of hoodies and t shirts for me over the years. I am going to send out refunds tomorrow of everyone that paid. Again I am sorry that you waited for so long to get nothing. Unfortunately it was out of my control.
wah wah wah… Do we get interest back on our payments? lol
That’s a kick to the nuts.
whitey, want me to talk to my buddy tonight about picking them up??
Yeah I am interested on pricing and quality of his work. That is the bitch about it, the guy did quality work he was just lazy.
text me over some details and ill get them to him… from what ive gathered they do pretty decent quality.
All Money was refunded… Please let me know if I somehow missed you.
got mine. if you find another supplier…count me in
Im going to scope out some places this week. Little odd this happened, been working with this guy since what, 03?
i can ask my boss who does our shirts… id imagine we get about 700-800 t-shirts a year… he is somewhere in the n hills also. does very nice work…