hot damn

9142 images in the gallery!

I think i am going to hit 10k by the end of the season easy! woot!

Wow thats cool a multi Millionare has time to take that many pictures for the little people.


billionaire actually

I hear whitey wipes his ass with thousand dollar bills. and they dont even make thousand dollar bills. He had a special factory built that takes ten $100 bills, shreds them up and they are then remade into thousand dollar bills. and then they are flown to his house by special couriers so that he may have the pleasure of deficating on them.

I head those bills are softer than charmin. :dunno:

they are bleached with the finest chlorine, imported from France. And they are only handled by Bulgarian preteens that are known to have the softest palms on the planet. And they are shorn into squares by the sharpest blade known to man… a 17 angled edge made of solid diamond and then buffed using a pad made from Albatross down.

wow I am jealous

you should be. But dont let him know it. The last guy that let on he jealous…well, lets just say that a truck full of well endowed Canadians will do just about anything to your most cared about female friend while you watch in horror if you pay them the right amount of money.




aint no fun if your homies cant have none :kekegay: