Hot_Wheelz B-Day!

Well, since if i don’t say something nobodys going to know… but yay my birthday is coming up!! April 3rd! I’ll be 22, WoOt! just so happens that the Monthly Meet just happens to be the day before… so i hope to see everyone out! and maybe we can all go to a club or something after. Shrugs who knows… anyway hope to see everyone turn out :smiley:


Mine is the 27th of this month.

Be prepared for a shit show sometime around then

lol dual birthday Celebration? :E :drinkers:

Mine’s on the 6th. Gonna be 18. 8)


Scott, do you want me to come get you again? :lol:

My b’day is on April 3rd too, neat :slight_smile:

  • Mike

That IS neat!! WoOt! for April 3rd!!! Lets Party it up… and yea… a ride would be awesome Tavy! >.<

Happy Birthday to me! Yeah being 18.

Happy Birthday Steve!! :party1: :bday

ya thread jacker!! j/k lol

You know you love me Jay.

what the hell are you doing?? You should be :drinkers: :partyman: and then :tongue: then :stickman: :zzzz wake up and :vom: for your 18th!!

Happy belated birthday steve… i was at dimonds last night so i couldnt post… congrats on 18 man… now you can come to the big boy side of the restuant when we meet :E

Yeah no, that’s tonight. See I had big tests on Thursday AND Friday. So tonight after work you can probably find me stumbling around Whyte somewhere.

Also, Scott, I did that last meet, didn’t I? :E