Hottest MR2 ever spotted at Carlisle

+1, these cars suck


and they plexied over the KN looking filter in it? I bet that works like a champ!

Not lowered:

This one goes out to my buddy Seamus! :rofl

:banghead :crazy

are you trying to look like a huge idiot?

I this car in Buffalo every other week.

And for the rest of the cars…the 1990’s called, they want their fail back.

dude. :rofl

i can’t believe i missed failfest’10. the fmcai is super classic. lol. and the plexi creates a powerchamber effect which= maddd hp! you didnt know that?

the MR2 is deff screaming Kramer

Wow, The fitment on those front end pieces is just stupendous

i seriously cant believe people go to car shows with the crap as shown in the original picture thread. do they not see how terrible it all looks? i mean, you have rust, and a fucked bumper, yet you think you are going to win a prize?

the hood is popped…:crazy