Hottest MR2 ever spotted at Carlisle

Kramer… take lessons

and more awesome rides from this year’s Carlisle show…

this a funny?


That thing is fuck ugly. The rims look like absolute shit on an 80s car, the engine bay is a mess, the CF canards look out of place, and the headlight conversion is retarded.

Kramer, definitely take lessons from this… don’t fucking do it.

sad part is that owner is a really cool guy…oh and his plate flips down cause he has an oil squirter set up out of it, that he only ever runs water through so i can demonstarte at show…but yea the car is awful.

i feel like I just got fucked in the eyes by a black guy


My head is spinning looking at some of these cars

Like WTF is this?!!

b-ri can take some lessons from this ILL Civic

i feel like im looking at straight junk.

Anything that is not 100% OEM 87-9 all the way around on the exterior of a Mk1 looks terrible, this OBVIOUSLY included :lol

Those cars are like staring at the sun. Its fun at first, then it burns, and you go blind.

Those cars look like what I shit out after I destroy 5 Double downers.

Kramer should be taking some serious notes

This is a perfect example of a car where every single modification looks worse than the stock part that it replaces. It’s amazing the lack of taste some people have.


That MR2 is missing the flux capacitor.

Good read
LOL @ plate…love white lotus’


Leroy got you too? I mean that makes me, you and got poor Cossey I think got it the worst of all of us