How can I convert a DVD to WMV?

I have a dvd that needs to show during a presentation and it is not playing right for some reason. Its as if it’s trying to play itself in 2x speed.

I was told it plays fine in some pc’s but not others.
I Can not find one that will allow it to play, nor can I hunt down an actual dvd player.

I was thinking I might be able to rip it and get lucky?
I have to find some sort of solution today though, as it will be shown tomorrow.

I checked but the free trials are only a few minutes.
the vid is 19.

WMV? Why?

Get Handbrake and convert to either H.264 or MKV

Handbrake is free

I don’t care what format it ends up in.
I just need it off of the DVD to see if playback is better.

handbrake for sure.

handbrake seemed to work well.

The dvd is probably junk.
I called the company and there was a bunch of bad ones that went out :bonk:
They will send me a new one.