How do you measure car-lengths?

Had a discussion about this tonight up at BWW and I figured I’d post it to see how others think of it

To me, in a race, the front of the leading/winning car is the “point of reference” I guess you’d say. So when the car that is trailing is at the leading cars rear bumper, that is effectively “one car length.”

Hearing others talk tonight, the other consensus is that one car length behind the leading cars rear bumper is “one car length,” whereas I would consider it two car lengths

Which do you agree with…concept #1 or concept #2?

We’ll leave it at that and not get into the idea of “buslengths,” “trainlengths,” and “zip codes” lol

omg ur such a dork

Concept #1


I don’t use those subjective units of measure… I only use tenths, hundredths, and thousandths of seconds…

in total honesty, anybody that doesnt understand the concept of #1 is a complete fucking retard.

sorry dumbasses.


#1 for sure


I went over this is the ShermVsWay2slow thread, and #1 is correct.

I measure with a yardstick :tup:


bastard… I was going to say something smart like that and then you took it.

I use the “pithagorian theorm” :lol:


it dont matter if you win by an inch or a mile. winning is winning.

right :gotme:

It depends on who you are racing, I have noticed people stating a car length when it was really 1/2 a car. :gotme: or 1/2 a car when it was a fender.

Don’t hate, you have 3 green boxes already. I’m just working my way up the food chain :slight_smile:

i always thought it was concept 2

Concept 1 i think of as “i beat him and he was at my rear bumper”

numero uno, fer sure.

Either way as long as I am ahead in the end. :tup:

