How fast is your finger?

sweet game!

so far my best was 54 on the 5 seconds one

lol, 79 on the 5 second one, first try.

66 on the 5 seconds

39 i suck. i am consistent tho, i did 39 3 times in a round

Oops…nevermind…51 I suck

32 was my best for 5 seconds. :frowning:


52 :slight_smile:

Uhhh, did it once… And never want to put my space bar through that kind of abuse ever again!

I suck, LOL

53… i suck.

note: i tried using the one screen keyboard since you wouldnt have to wait for the spacebar to reset… but that didnt work :tdown:

51 biieaaaatttchh

39 @ 5 secs. 3 times in a row.

but this keyboard is weird. andthe spacebar doesn’t work very well.

don’t make me dominate you bitches

38 and 146 for 20…man slowww


only 49 :frowning: . I’m done, I don’t want to break my spacebar off.

reminds me of the old mortal combat games (not sure about the newer ones) where you had to hit the buttons to make your power raise up so you could brake the wood or whatever was in front of you

EDIT: 43 is my high

actually that just reminded me of the death i went through playing metal gear solid for ps1. Damn…I never thought trying to save snake from getting shocked to death would come in so handy! Now my space bar is broken! YESSSS!