How Kinky are you

Your Hotlanta Kink Test score was 362!
301 to 400 You have kinky playful tendencies.

or having sex w/ some dude’s GF while he’s sleeping in the same room.

I agree, this test doesn’t even scratch the surface and a lot of the questions aren’t kinky; more along the lines of what you would see two retards doing when they’re trying to fuck.

Never said anything about taking a dump on a girl… Never have… but would like to!

didnt realize that at the time, the first thing i saw when i went to the results page was 1723 at the top.

“Your Hotlanta Kink Test score was 303!”


WTF did I do last time? I read them carefully this time. lol



Your Hotlanta Kink Test score was 633!

Here is the chart so that you can see how you are rated:

100 or less You need to lighten up and live a little!
101 to 200 You have an average sex life in need of kink.
201 to 300 You have sweet hints of a kinky nature.
301 to 400 You have kinky playful tendencies.
401 to 500 You are definitely a kinky player.
501 to 600 You are kinkier than most!
601 to 700 You are a major league kinkster!
701 to 800 You live and breath kinky!!
801 to 900 Wow! You’re too kinky for most!!!
901 or more SUPER FREAK ALERT! You da BOMB!

The maximum score for this test is 1000.

“Would you consider intimately sharing your mate with a friend for purely educational purposes?”

Educational? lol


703 hooray

That was the dumbest question on there

i got a 628

The Hotlanta Kink Test (ver 2.1)

Congratulations! Your Hotlanta Kink Test score was 912!

ummm i can explain

u like men AND animals?

fuck i thought i would be the highest

631 what a long quiz