How many 5 year olds can u beat up?

LOL oh boy…

Now that I think about it I dont know if I could take that many…I smoke…so I’d be winded pretty quickly lol. Unless I can manage to take em out 3-4 at a time with roundhouse kicks to the dome.

i got 9 lol


damn only 24… now to make this test a reality:shoot:


  1. looks good on paper, but i’m gonna head down to the elementary school tomorrow to see how it translates into reality…

38 lol. i love being tall and lanky :smiley:

i got 30… but i think i could take on more in all reality :lol:

I was hoping this was actually an online game to see. lol

You could take on 23 five year old kids in a fight.

Wasn’t there a thread about 30 midgets fighting a bear?
This reminds me of that.

I could fight 100 five year olds on a conveyor belt.

This doesnt say if its all at once or one at a time. If they all charged you at once its over. :rofl:

34 for me :slight_smile:

im at 30

i wish it was like a flash game

yeah but they are small and have bad ballance so if you like donkey kick the first one they would all fall like dominos lol.

yes, but could you take off ?


LOL @ Donkey kick.

What if they came at you from all directions? You could use the basketball net pole and Matrix kick em.