1.) You are in an enclosed area about the size of a basketball court. You have no weapons or padding on you. There are no weapons lying around. You can only protect the family jewels (cup).
2.) You cannot touch a wall or use that as a weapon.
3.) These kids want you DEAD. that is, they won’t get scared or back off at ALL.
4.) Assume they are all of good health. Also, they’ve received one day of combat training, to show them what will hurt you, and the correct way to attack.
5.) When you are knocked unconscious, you lose. When all the kids are knocked unconscious (amount of kids is somewhere in the neighborhood of 4 figures), you win.
My question is this: how many 5-year olds could you take on at once?
List your strategy and explain.
The Heart pumps blood throughout the body in coordination with the lungs to keep oxygen circulated, this blood is needed by the vital organs to survive especially the brain. If the heart fails or is seriously damaged oxygen will not reach the brain resulting in the person blacking out followed by death. So I would simply reach into their rib cage and pull out their heart, just Like in indiana jones.