There are 1,634 people in the U.S. named David Reid
9 people in the U.S. named Joseph Cusimano
There are 12 people in the U.S. named Howard See.
I know only one of them besides me are asian lol
724 of me
This thing’s a pretty cool random number generator! :tup:
I don’t need to look on there, because I already know I am the most leet out of all of me. :gotme:
heres a cool stat from my search :
99.75 percent of people with the first name David are male.
O rly?
213 of me.
EDIT this reminds me of that Jet Li movie, The One is it? Yeah.
7 joseph mendola’s
960 mendolas in the us.
9 of me. Maybe I will spend a summer tracking them down like a cross country trip. Then I will slice their heads of using a gigantic sword and yell out “There can only be one Highlader!”
3 of me yyaaayyyy
The one and only, which is what I expected. Even google seems to reinforce that.
0 people named Joshua Grandits
2 named Kenneth Wlosinski
and thats my dad and i
only one “Jacob Kuczma”