How many miles is your round-trip commute

Im averaging over 1000 miles a month which is too much for winter time. Self employed so idk how much is work related.



Mine is around 22 round trip…though I go to clients so I average more. At least I get paid for Mileage

school is 25 miles each way.
work is about 8 miles each way.

how is yours 16 if mine is 25 and i live closer?

? 64!=62

probably different routes :wink:

the 90 is pretty much at the end of my street, i hop on there and its a straight shot… its 16 miles lol

you lie

24 each way to school
5 each way to work.

do to trafic in the morning i get off a diff exit and drive lil more but i cut 15 min off time and add 2 miles

from bed to couch… call it 30 feet! I walk there, when I can…

W loves you. :smiley:
Once Obama starts his miles driven tax he will love you too.:stuck_out_tongue:

used to be around a 40 mile drive to work… now it’s a 10 min drive :slight_smile:

:lol: in DC my round trip was about 200 miles

At home, part time job is 2 miles round trip. And at school my job is still 2 miles round trip. I’m surprised though how many people on here actually have a commute of less than 10 miles round trip, that’s awesome.

13miles each way…but i car pool.

I work 4 miles from home and only have to put gas in my car every few weeks :slight_smile:

4-5 miles round trip…