How many NYspeeders have a STI?

if WRXs count, then I’m in.

then why dont you own one anymore, because all your friends went to AWD cars? :hay:

uummmmmm…NO, sorry

who? me and newman are the only 2 that have awd out of my close friends. i have owned a honda since i was 16, dont you think its time to move on?

its funny its seams alot go from VW to an EVO altho I still own a VW as a DD

kevin just couldnt handle being fast anymore so he had to move to something that was a little more his pace

are you serious? everyone and there brother wanted hondas in 99-2002 and then once the rice fad died down and people found that they wanted to build something else that was easier to make traction with they went to RWD/AWD cars.

How many of the guys who originally started with a honda still have one?

probably alot more then u think people have been building them forever, just because some people move on dosent mean that the “FAD” is over

oh come on, its always a fad, hondas then it was fbodys for awhile, now its sti/evos.

edit:: I lied!! 2007/2008 is going to be Trailblazer SS fad!

actually you are wrong. hondas bloomed more from 02+ when people started to swap them and they were quick. thats on the east coast. the west coast as been doing since the early 90s

ugh, pointless some just dont get it :violin:

start your own thread:2fingers:

for real, hondas have always been in the scene.

people just start getting different tastes/more money, so they buy nicer things.

Hmm, I actually went Ford-GM-GM-GM-Lexus-Ford (still own the Lexus though). No Honda-Suby for me.

Weird, I had an Impreza then.

Could’ve sworn last I saw you and Sam at Warehouse he said he still had it but was getting rid of it very soon.

maybe that was it. i just remember him saying he got rid of it or its leaving soon

damnit i went from AWD in 02 to FF in 05 and FF again in07

ill :picard: myself

never owned a honda…the only 2 I will ever own will be an NSX or Joestypes/gregs teggy

i was Ford to Ford to Ford to Nissan to Nissan to Nissan to hmmmm Nissan