lol. no, but if kyle was driving his stock HF crx, we would have been slowed down. I am not trying to “show it off”. I just lend it to my friends who don’t have “meet cars” or if their cars are not done…
edit… i can’t believe i used the wrong form of “their”
lol. way to be a nice guy newman :tup:
you know you want to show it off
newman: I have 2, count them 2 fast cars and you have none. I am sweet and you are not. You suck, you all suck and I am the king. I’m Newman and I’m white and a supremist, my Elise is red and my STi is blue, I pledge allegiance to myself under myself and justice for ME!!
damn straight… i think you need to throw an “i’m better than you” in there somewhere…
I wanna drive it lol.
:tup: fixed
Fuck the STi i already have one of those, toss me the keys to the elise. And a showehorn to get my fat ass in there.
do you still have the paint picture from UBRF?
I think its a ploy to recruit more people to suck up in order to drive an STi, hense increasing the number of newman humpers
for proof, look above this post
hey, i dident do any sack riding to drive it the one time, i mearly asked if he had to get something out of it and hes like “oh you can drive it there”
If he wanted to get more humpers than all he has to do is drive by a high school that is letting out and watch all the 16-18 year old bosoms/vaginas come running
i really thought you asked. i just want my friends to have fun. don’t hate!
Shoehorn, aren’t we the optimist…
asshorn, FTW.
You wish you were my asshorn, you may not like chubby girls but don’t think i didn’t notice you checkin out may package.
:lol: its funny you should say that…
we’ve never done that. on a hot summer day. in the elise with the top off. blasting everytime i die. no, never…