i see that you have “gods gift to the world” (shit ass camaro cough ladies car cough)
can you beat this?
heres the rest of the site
i see that you have “gods gift to the world” (shit ass camaro cough ladies car cough)
can you beat this?
heres the rest of the site
i want that van i wanna takin it on the streets with a camra and look for some rice
lol someone got owned by newman and doesn’t like him
cry somewhere else plz
uhm link to thread where newman pwnd this kid plzthx
everyone knows you cant ride hooverboards on water. you need POWWWAHHHHHHHHH!
i seen this video a couple years ago
Dude, newman’s camero will take any van in the world. He told me last night he’s running 9’s in it next year when he ups the shot from his 2 BIG BOTTLES. Try to compete with that, I dare you. NOS + cammero > *
I heard rumors of a special limited edition JDM VTEC LS1 being overnighted from Japan.
no wai!
i always thought that engine was a…
I just read that whole thread and it made my night! But now I have to be scared of the Saturns running around town. :ohnoes:
Newmans camaro > your faggotmobile!
Wait wait wait. Wait.
Does Newman actually have a transmarobird?
dont feed the trolls…
darryl man you wrecked the probe wtf
holly fuck, you posted the worlds fastest automobile !!!
god dam that things siiiiiiiq … untouchable … 12’s is insaaaane
you seriously must have shit for brains
i didnt wreck shit…county idiot crashed into my parked car…i got $3800 out of it so i dont care…needed a new paint job neways