oh mister newman....

holy crap, 3800 out of it - not bad. man that thing’s clean :slight_smile:

I hear he has two of them. :open_mouth:

devin u have way too much time on ur hands…btw i like the 3 intake manifolds that thing has

what does this have to do with Kills? Don’t post this shit in my forum fuck face…moved.

if i see one more thread directed towards newman im gonna punch a baby…

i know. it’s like newman day or something.

and his camaro will light up anything you cross post from 3 years ago cobalt 300Z

the dude that owned that van died

How in the hell did I miss all that when it was happening?

Tears I tell you, my side will hurt for days!

So its for sale then?

I smell a troll…

dumb threads like this should be locked at post 1. what good can come of this?

Mid 80s to early 90s turbo chryslers are my favorite domestics.

87 Daytona Shelby Z with T-tops > third gen IROC Z with T-tops

I don’t know anything about his supposed transmarobird, but I’m sure his STI would have something for that VAN THAT ISN’T EVEN YOURS YOU SADLY LONELY LITTLE MAN.

dear god! how did i miss that? must have been when the power was out.

well, I only have one thing to say and it must be said.





newman’s camaro is the most balla shit evAr.

i heard newman got his camaro the same place i got my civic hatch

Wal-mart? :shrug:


its all true, believe the hype.