Some pics of the fleet...

i fuckin love the subaru… … thats all

very badass dude, first and second pic makes the elise look so sick, great work.

wheres the bike and jet ski they should count

new AND used pianos?

good point. I’ll have to arrange a new photoshoot

^the 240 looks photoshop’d into that pic

oh and “One of these, is not like the others”

what was with ur shift from first to second on south west and camp today?

wait, when did you get a 240?

what was that right hand drive car you had?

Newman actually doesn’t own any of these cars, they are all photoshopped.

fixing the hosting. hang on.


i don’t remember missing any shifts today. what car?

Yeah Newman…when did you a 240?

Just for you:

Very hot, Im real jelous, thanks man

refresh, i changed the size. i think

siq siq siq :clap:

so my transmission isworking out well for you ?

The 240 looks so sad in the photos like the subie and elise are talking behind his back cracking jokes about him. Poor lil guy.

yeah, thats gonna be my new background, cause my car is too ugly to shoot, lol