How Many People On Nyspeed:



  1. Joe went to college, some. Like me. He also went to Denny’s a lot. Like me. lol

  2. Hah, college was fun, and it did open up lots of doors for me, but not the school part. BARS AND DRINKING WITH PEOPLE OPEN UP MORE DOORS. I’m serious…

  3. Networking > *

  4. You ever wonder why your college degree ass didn’t get hired when some college-less kid did? It’s because he knew someone, and that someone knew that he’d be good for the job… with you, you’re a crapshoot.

if you would’ve gotten a better/higher degree, you probably wouldn’t have fucked up that “WOW.”

i really hope you don’t think this will work in every field. knowing people only works in certain professions and to a point…you’re making it sound like it’s all anybody would need to succeed anywhere in any profession in life.

very true, worked for me, but i also had a degree… you will get roadblocks without a degree even if you have a lot of connections.

Also LOTS of connections (as you mentioned) come from college. All of mine did.

it does apply to all fields - what field would this not work in? obviously something you need to be licensed for (i.e. a medical doctor), but what else?

this might work for you to get a job. lets face it though, you got lucky. If you lose that job, will you be able to get another? Sure you have experience, but MANY companies require that piece of paper that says you are a graduate. Not saying you won’t find a job, but it will not be easy and you will have to rely on favors to come back around. I am not bitter about anyone that doesn’t graduate and still gets as far(or further) than I do. I just see things in a more concrete way. Getting my degree will allow me to get my foot in the door to a lot places. Don’t forget, I can do plenty of networking as well. I currently have a VP of a company and leader of a large networking organization searching for a job for me when I graduate. People who have the will to succeed, always will. I have put in my hard work, and am very confident that it will pay off in the end. Without a degree though, it will always be more and more of a grind to find that right job.

The job I have now had a listing that “required” a degree.

The job I had before I got promoted had a listing that “required” a degree.

The 5 calls a week I get average asking me to move to a different company also tend to lead me to believe that I will have no issues finding a job if I lost mine.

Why did I get my job? I have more experience than the other guy, and they knew someone who knows me who vouched for me.

PS. I have a couple billionares writing me recommendation letters.

Now, just wait for my next post before you reply…


Yes, networking helps. A lot. So do qualifications. Put them together and you are immortal, er, employable, er marketable.

Freedom Toast. (Pancakes are played.)

A degree in most fields is a substitute for real world experience. In some fields the degree can be worth 4 year, some 10, some 0. It all depends.

BTW - I do not think this works for everyone, I was merely stating some facts that some people don’t believe. Yes, it’s worked for me, and many other people I know, do I think you should go to college? Yes. Do I think you absolutely have to? No.

I have 5 doctors in my family, I know there are things out there that need schooling, if you think ANYONE thinks that, you’re a tard yourself.

I merely stated that stuff because people were making it sound like “You’re fucked if you don’t go to college, have fun pumping gas”

azns have instant street cred. duh.

this escalated very quickly.

i’m not going to pretend to know what your life is all about or what jobs you do and don’t qualify for. If you have proved yourself, then you have proved yourself and you are way ahead of the game. I hope I didn’t make it sound like “you’re fucked cause you didn’t go to college”.

Lol, no, not at all. if anything, My reply might have been more directed toward NA300ZX whatever.

Does Bauerly (on WBEN930) troll here?!?!?
He is talking about this topic right now and I have heard him cover other NYSPEED topics in the past.:biglaugh:

He wants to fit in with the cool kids.:stuck_out_tongue:

lol, yea this is prime WBEN demographic. :stuck_out_tongue:

tom, no offense but you have not hit the job market yet so saying that your degree is getting you a foot in the door or this and that is kind of proving howies point.

you don’t know yet that it is going to get you the job… in many cases it WILL get you the interview, but networking will do that same task.

Why not put the argument to bed that anything is possible, if you want guarantees, get a degree, experience, and build your network.

You can pull off making good money with out a degree its just a lot harder getting in the door…

Networking is key though like many people mentioned…

I don’t have a degree and I do ok…That being said I will be going back to school shortly…

my dad only has 2 years college for auto-tech and some business. he’s doing rather well for himself now.

downfall: he had to learn everything for himself, took more time, learn from mistakes, mistakes are costly
upside: he had to learn everything for himself, real world
