How Many People On Nyspeed:

College English classes did nothing for me i took the same ones and got an A in both of them. I have gotten better gramatically from getting bitched at on nyspeed. Sad but true.

Brah i did dat shit twice last year. Old news bro 100k/year ain’t shit dawg.

I know, I wasnt the one bragging about my job. I cant WAIT to start my new job and the money doesnt have a god damn thing to do with it.

it seems everyone overlooked joes blue collar comment to ILC and was just reading what I was typing as a response to nothing =/

I dont sell drugs fry. But to say you don’t believe people make fucking hundreds of thousands off that shit EVERY DAY even in this area, is just crazy, because it happens.

… good one.

lol that whole reading comprehension thing is really kicking your ass today isn’t it? I believe it happens. I also believe that making $100k/year in Buffalo through a legitimate endeavor is an accomplishment to be proud of because a lot of people do not achieve that level of quality of life.

OMG if u dont go to college and dont own 3 cars and dont live in an apt u suck!

o and i guess owning a really clean car thats 18 yrs old sucks too… and BTW im in school!

AndyB, u should change still modding hondas too… just bought a modded honda and then bought parts for it…

of course, who wouldn’t be proud. if it was me though, i would just prefer not to talk shit to people that made less.

Agreed. As for Joe, he was just being a prick back to somebody being a prick to him. Ahh the internets.

My latest name for this place is now…


i don’t see why there’s a big discussion about whether or not you should, or have to go to college. Of course you HAVE TO if what you want to do with your life required a certain degree. even with the best connections in the world, nobody without a doctorate or MSW would ever be able to walk into the position i’m hoping for once i graduate.

to be successful (if success is measured ONLY by making a decent amount of money), you do not HAVE TO go to college…but, if you’re smart enough in high school, college should be free…scholarships are everywhere nowadays…

to be successful and have any job you want, you still won’t HAVE TO go to college, but a lot of the more professional titles/positions do require that you have a degree.

we’re comparing apples to oranges here…everybody in this thread seems to be arguing different points, none of which are really connected…

you can have all the best grades and degrees in the world and still not get a job unless you know people…and on the same note, you can know all the highest up people in the world, but still will be denied positions if you’re lacking a degree of some sort.

fuck, I missed all the flaming.

My point in posting that article from Forbes was that success is more about being SMART rather than having a degree, it just so happens that most people who are smart go to college b/c they realize it’s a huge door opener.

Please define “better”

Generally when i post an article. I like to put my opinion with it. So we know where you stand, and NOT go off on a tangent about about much dick you suck

many “real” corporations won’t hire people with good degrees because they use that as a selling point… “X% of our employees have advanced degrees etc.”

you really need to have a bachelors to get anywhere, a mastards or more is kinda the norm now tho.

can it be done without? yea. but it sure as hell is a lot more difficult.

haha this is why you deserve the shit you get from the “blue collar’ds” - i just unfortunately find myself agreeing with you on these types of topics

Who are you?

Who are you!

We on tv?

WHOA, its REU!@

I came into reply to the OP, but this thread is elsewhere now.

Be cool stay in school!

Word! Even when you go on the delayed graduation program like us!!! I swear i will be done with college before I am 30!!!

i laughed