How Many People On Nyspeed:

just saying, 100k/year is NOTHING to brag about, whatsoever.

How much do you make big man?

really? pretty sure 100K a year gets you a nice house and comfortable living in buffalo.

do you even work? own anything? I’m going to say no judging by your username of “ineedacar” but its possible I’m wrong.

unless you’re making “millions” you have zero to talk about. I still want to know what you meant by “the street”.

HAHAHAHA WTF!!! I don’t know about you guys but i am going to brag when i am making 100k a year lol. This a joke and Chino nailed it the first time. Some of you guys need less time with cars and more time in the classroom.

? im not the one bragging about my job and “upbringing”… thats joe, tell him that.

ineedacar was my original name when I signed up on UBRF 5 years ago just before i turned 16, and needed a car. figured just to keep the name when i signed up here… and have since owned 6 cars, 1 bike, and now own an SUV and buying another car.

and i meant exactly what I said. I have seen 100k made in the streets 100 times over, not necessarily all drug money… guys flipping cars, producers selling beats etc… I was just saying that to prove a point.

100k/year is a good life in buffalo, but doesn’t make you worthy of talking shit to anyone that makes even a dollar less.

and I work for the army now, if you must know

You’re the only one talking down to people making less than $100k per year. I will be damn fucking proud when I make 6 figures, no matter what “you’ve seen on the street.” :cjerk:

i’m not the one bragging about my shit.

no, that was joe. I was saying if he does make 100k a year, it surely doesn’t make him better than anyone on here that makes any less. How was that hard to conceive in what I said?

I feel like im talking to kindergarteners how I have to throughly explain every little piece of what I say.

and its one thing to be damn fucking proud, and another to think you’re better than someone that makes less than you.

:picard: No, you’re not bragging. Just ranting about how $100k is no big accomplishment.

dot, and


wow is the fucking print too skinny or something?

making 100k a year does not make you a better person than anyone else which was what joe was implying by what the fuck he was saying originally

goofy ass mother fucker.

it makes me want to vomit standing up for joe as he clearly doesn’t need it - but in no way did joe brag about any of his shit here? if anything joe offered good information that even someone as “career established” as yourself could stand to benefit from. you’re talking down about someone that makes 100K (in the case of this thread) talking about how “you seen way more flow on da streetz”.

Basically the situation here is you clearly don’t understand that you are “ineedaeducation”

EDIT: i think you are def reading something wrong first of all Joe did not say HE makes 100K, probably makes more, he said he GOT someone a job making 100K - eh, fuck this, I’ve already made my point above…

thats what I was talking about. thats it. stop with the explanations of what you think i was referring to. that comment to me definitely sounds like “sorry i think i’m better than you”

I am going to guess that you didn’t major in English.:stuck_out_tongue:

I know it’s off topic but It is sad to see terrible grammar from college graduates.(Not just this thread but EVERYWHERE.)

at least reading comprehension isn’t needed in the army. Just don’t shoot a friendly

…lol it was a response to someone that insulted him, who fucking cares…

im with ZD, my ass twitches.

You haven’t even left for basic yet right? Are you aware that you are going to start off making like 20k a year? BTW you need to start evaluating what you say before you say it or else i see lots of dragging/filling sandbags in your future. I have a guy that works for me that reminds me a lot of you. He isn’t happy with his current work situation to say the least.

The only classes I’ve taken were ENG 101 and ENG 201, in college. Most of my classes do not care about grammar, just content. I feel as if I’ve become more retarded with my English speaking ability :frowning:

edit: for further clarification

That’s OK. Anyone can sell flipped beat drug cars on the street and make six figures. Or something like that…

then relax because thats all I was referring to holy shit

i admit that made me fucking :lol:

but seriously, what else could he have meant?

who cares he is a faggot like you.