How Many People Thought...

That the “AF” in AFhockey31 stood for “Ambercrombie & Fitch”?

Be honest!!


Every time I see “AF”, I think of Anti-Flag.


I did… for about a year until I caught a couple of references to the correct

God you suck at spelling… THING the AF ???

Where does it say, “Thing”?

right above the Rubicant has Herpes

There was some dust on that last option so I wiped it off… See, it doesn’t say that…

AFHockey: im in the air force… the govt has my shit locked DOWN
AFHockey: haha
DIE fromyou: Ooooh
DIE fromyou: so.
DIE fromyou: what does AF mean?
DIE fromyou: air force
DIE fromyou: OMG.
DIE fromyou: i’m so stupid.
DIE fromyou: wow.
DIE fromyou: i just realized right after i typed it in that you just told me that youre in the air force.
DIE fromyou: god.

:lol: :lol:

That’s the second time tonight I proved to myself I’m a fucking retard.

Seriously… Leave Dunkirk now… You are so much dumber when you live there…

well the first time it was on you for posting your thread… this time… I was gonna post if if you didnt

I always thought AF = Ass Fucker.

just sayin’


Quit now while you’re ahead.

Asshole Fucker… He doesn’t prefer cheek-fucking.

i initially did, then, later realized it meant air force. (without being told)

you are 100% correct :thankyou:

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