How to deal with miserable kids

insence huh, sensitive guy arent ya? incest is for f-body drivers.

public pools are open and cheap

there is a pool in jenn’s apt complex NEXT DOOR

they are just being spoiled whiney kids!!!

oh then fuck that. give’m a swift kick in their worthless asses:dunno: always worked for my dad

your bro is 18 and has a girl friend. How could you ever be bored?!

pics of bro’s g/fs in bikinis?

In that case I would:

1st: if you have A/C – turn it off!!
2nd: disconnect all electronics in the house ( tv, computer, games…ect)
3rd: (refer above) and hide all cords somewhere so they can’t find em
4th: Make sure there is rotting garbage smelling the place up…

…that should get em out of the house and they will WILLINGLY go anywhere and be HAPPY!

Give them a cheezy puzzle of say bunnies or a tree and then take a picture of their faces when they think you are serious.

dyke it out with brothers g/f?

I think she’s straight…

I heard on the radio … Kennywood is $12.95 today

fuck u cocksucker


Very true, a cocksucker can be gay. But is it still gay if there balls don’t touch?

ask quik he knows everything

HAHAHAHAHA !!! I have no clue… I just meant it as a giggle…

send his g/f my way, unless she’s ugly. In that case nevermind


incest. You can do it, you just cant spell it. :rofl:

o’well i dont give a fuck