How to make your Black Audi Blue on a Budget

BWAAAA HAHAHAHAHA :rofl: its actually a good read, check it out

that’s pretty damn funny :smiley:


you must have nothing to do at work today

nope, not a thing.

being a consultant, if noone is at work to fuck things up, I have nothing to go fix. :smiley:

so I read pittspeed and browse google video for obscure shit for a few hours and then go home. I should be home by 1:30 or 2:00 today, hopefully.


haha, thats pretty ridiculous

thats funny but i love the S4…if i won the lottery that would be my DD

good post :slight_smile:

its great that they were sticking s4 painters tape on stuff.

cross country in a taped up s4 ftw!

soo soo funny… im gonna start taggin things like that when i go cross country… but im usually in such a rush i stop only when i need fuel.

best picture thread eva

pretty funny

