How to paint an F-35

awesome tech.

Video doesn’t work, says to check back later.

Fucking sick! LM always has the craziest shit ever!

yea dude, i knew you’d like that.

NVM, it was WebSense at work f’in with the site.

SICK video.

That is pretty damn cool. Def some of the shit Lockheed has come up with is outrageous. I love driving past the building, always hoping to see something cool, but I have yet to lol

my buddy is getting a job at lockheed martin fixin jet engines…he was in the navy and knows his shit.

Sick vid.

I just love the comments though!

Your tax dollars at work.

I am always reminded of the old story about how, during the initial rush to put men into space, the US spent hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars to create “The Space Pen,” pressurized so it could write in zero gravity. The Russians used pencils. Reply


Yeah well I spray painted my 10 speed bike gold when I was 8, and it was the shit


lol @ the pen/pencil comment.