I pre-ordered the HTC vive VR set, should get it early next month.
Anyone on here try it yet? Or how about Oculus Rift?
I decided I wanted to give it a go back in December so I built a nice gaming rig (haven’t had one in about 10 years) and got the pre-order for the Vive at the end of Feb.
I work for AMD, and they have a strong focus on VR as you can imagine. I’ve played around with Dev. versions of the Oculus, pretty wild stuff.
Star Wars in VR: Trials on Tatooine HTC Vive Gameplay
This looks awesome, I’ve heard it’s an incredible demo that is really immersive, can’t wait for the full version.
Someone I know has the Galaxy S7 with the VR headset and raves about how cool it is… and having to sit down or he’ll get sick, lol. I’m not sure how it compares to HTC.
motion sickness is a very real thing.
Actually both Ocuclus and Vive are made to run at 90 FPS minimum (or higher) at 90Hz on the displays, that keeps away motion sickness, I’ve read a bunch of accounts of people who get sick every time they use VR, but didn’t at all when using the Vive. Google Cardboard and the Galaxy s7 Gear will certainly get you nauseous after a while if you’re prone to motion sickness. Also the games are designed in ways that avoid motion sickness.