Huge Amiga/C64 and Gameboy nerds, old school classic is reborn

If you ever had a C64/128, Amiga, Apple, and possibly a Gameboy then you might remember the classic game Speeball and it’s improved sequel, Speedball 2 : Brutual Deluxe.

If you were a big fan of this game, Speedball 2: Brutal Deluxe is now available in the Xbox360 Arcade, with inproved 3D graphics (as well as the original 2D graphics), full Live multipayer capability for h2h as well as LEAGUES (at least on initial skim, I only played a quick practice round).

You might want to check it out :fyi:

:tup: right on

the link you posted didn’t work though

I suck.


i rocked an Amiga 1000… with 1MB addon card the size of my leg.
had over 75 games on that bad boy… and my 1st digital norp.