HUGE SALE !!!!!!! LOOK IN HERE automotive products, lube , brake cleaner . etc. etc.

Welll ive come across a bankruptcy sale job lot , and i have a shit load of stuff i need to move , its all stocked at the warehouse in trillium bussines park .

All gunk products

Battery terminal cleaner $6

Battery terminal protector $6

Waterpump lube $3

10 minute rad flush $4

Super radiator sealer $5

Tire Shine (no wipe, Spray and go) $8

Rim cleaner $5.25

Glass Cleaner (foaming) $4.50

Hydraulic Jack Oil $6.50

Liquid wrench Super Penatrant $4.50

Liquid Wrench with Cerflon??? $8.00

Gunk Industrial& Motorcycle chain lube $8.50

Trans Seal $4.25

Belt Dressing stop slip spray $4.50

Engine stop Leak $5.00

Trans Medic $5.50

Silicone DOT 5 brake fluid 350ml $14

Brake Cleaner NON-Clorinated $3

Engine Flush $7.00

Electrical Contact Cleaner $7.00

Heavy Duty Deagraser $7.50

Heavy Duty Penetraiting Solvent $5.50

White Lithium Grease with cerflon $6.50

Chain And wire Rope Lubricant $5.50

HEavy Duty Silicone Spray $5.25

And this stuff i have is old stock ,

really cheap guys , come and get it

JETgo Silicone spray $2.75

JETgo Rust buster $2.75

JETgo White lithium Grease $3.00

JETgo Tuff engine degreaser $2.75

PROformula Carb and Choke Cleaner $2.75

Concentrated Fuel injector cleaner $3.25

HEavy Duty starting Fluid $2.50

Heavey duty Strating fluid (high either formula)$5.00

Glass and utility Cleaner $2.75

MP-70 super penetrant $3.00

Wire dryer $3.50

Multi Purpose Cleaner $3.50

Battery protector $4.00

Super X motor cleaner $5.50

Heavy duty brake fluid DOT3 $3.50

Lots of other misc. stuff

to come see or buy any of these items please come to

R&R forklift
63 McIntyre Place unit 7&14
Kitchener Ont.
N2R 1J5
tel: 519-748-2287

Ask for H if u decide to call and have any questions … Thanks Guys