Huger balls than you have.

Holllllyyyyy fuckiiin’ SHIT

he musta known that road damnnnn well.

props to him for being maaaddd fast y0

a real man would’ve drifted those potentially deadly curves at high speed

Holy christ

I guess a real man would have been almost a minute slower.

That looked scary from here. I wonder what vehicle…

Not to take away from that performance but it is ten times easier to drive fast up hill.
I want to see him do that on the way down.:eekdance:

Can you find any video of the 1000hp Audi S1 European Hill Climb?
That would be fun to watch too.

Streetracing is Gay



It’s a BMW powered DSR IIRC. Even crazier is that it’s traditional stick shift on that road with that car. Let me dig up a few pics.
Norma M12 with a 3L BMW Inline 6.

goddamn!!! those must be some 20 lb. cast iron ballz!! man i really want a sequential gearbox…

It’s not a sequential.

wow…i gota rush just watching that…it looks unreal


that looks sick as helll, i wish i could do that.

go to the glen this year and see this little guy scoot along too

(more shameless glen plugs):

what is it??

Standard gearbox. You can see him shifting down and rowing through the gears.

DAMN those are some quick shifts for a standard…props to the driver…

