Hype for a new Movie or what? UFO inside!

Pretty creepy looking.



if there are UFO’s this is what they would like like i would think more like a space station i allways though why the fuck with infinate technology would you make a ship a disk

aerodynamics and stability, like a gyroscope


yea isn’t there something with a circle spinning shape that causes it to be extremely aerodynamic and stable?

yeah but i would think they would want enough room for a long trip? all the people who figured out what it would take to make a flying saucer there would be no room left for anything but an engine. this looks more like a space station then a ship though.

There not long trips, they dont travel through space they jump time.

um this was just on the history channel last week i think? it was on UFO huntersand they determined it to be a very good CGI rendering. it was called a hoax because of how all the pictures were taken of it and how the image shows no motion blur at all

looks like a protoss observer

i said it was fake right away because theres no way that shape would fly.

This is an old marketing campaign for a book from what I remember. I’ll see if I can find the link. It pops up on DIGG every now and again.

lol. you don’t know anything about aliens do you?

what if it was on a treadmill?


I fell out of my chair laughing HAHAHAHAHAHA

LAWL.This is all over the news today.

Watch this…


that was an odd video but well put together. it dosent even look like a dragon fly


ZOMG the Invashun haz begun!