hyper/super cars in butler?????

all of the above.

Or muscle trucks :naughty:


:bowrofl: :bowrofl:

is that a new fit car?

i work on high end cars every day. 1st week of work, it was weird. after that, they are all the same.

a guy at the end of my street has a PT Cruiser with flames :kekegay: The guy across from him has not one, but two Hyundai Sonatas. Big ballers around here :smiley:

2000 Cobra R

I see a white Countach in Oakland every once in awhile.

I even saw it on joncaire street which makes me think it may be a kit car (that road was harsh in a Vette, I couldn’t imagine it in a Countach). It also had a deep idle (sbc sounding).

It is cool looking though, even if its a kit.

saw a R32 Skyline today. Go me.

i saw a dodge omni that looked like the one from wayne’s world today…that trumps all!!! and the red ferrari everyone has been seeing belongs to Matt Deihl the owner of Deihl Automotive…there is actually a fuck load of nice cars in butler which is really weird for how big of a shit hole town it is.

not an omni

Pacer :doh:

OMG i saw a bentley today on 30 i was going to start a new thread about it but i found this one. im so relieved