Hypothetically, I should thank NYSpeed.

Wow…that was a good one, give yourself a pat on the back.

Well… let’s just say that I’ve got an inside connection at ____ that I’m working to get into. Thus the reason for me posting my resume in another thread with no responces.

It’s been mentioned in this thread already… LOL

you prob work at carleton.

a friend of mine was fired from his job because he had inquired about going back to
a prev. employer. he never sent resume’s or anything.

thread titles that start with “hypothetically” usually yield good threads.


Don’t leave. You won’t get to be Walmart’s neighbor then!

SHOs… helping you get more than groceries since 1989! :slight_smile:

Whenever someone begins a thread with “hypothetically,” something not hypothetical in the slightest is sure to follow.

:mamoru: :word: I’ll hypothetically get a yes or no at the end of next week, after they interview one other guy from out of state.

Sorry - no matches. Please try some different terms.
