i am a noob

hey my name is tom, im from harmar twp. schmidt thought i would like being on here, so here i am.

I drive a 97 red avenger , im a fireman for harmar twp. and all that good stuff… hope to talk more

Welcome Fellow Noob


hi noob!

welcome :cool:

for warning of another fireman on this site. he is gay and will hit on you so watch out for him. youll see that he posts to himself…welcome

i think he means 95greenz

welcome !, red avenger with a body kit? im not sure if your the person i was talkin to down the strip or now

i have a buddy with a red avenger with a kit, 3 stage paint, green pearl in the light… may be who ur talking about.

anyways, welcome

no, you’re thinkin of someone else…tc166 doesnt have his bodkit on or painted yet. its slow but when he gets the kit on it should look sick lol

ya the kit isnt on nor painted yet . it should be by late april… someday maybe it will be fast :bowrofl:

yea, but til that day…you’ll be all show no go :finger: hahaha

but that is gona be such a great day

na…im not a fireman…but i am who he refers to when he says schmidt!!!

oh ya welcome tom!!! :bigthumb: