i dont have any money so im sending you a picture of this spider




click for fullsize

:lol :lol :lol

That’s pretty silly. I got a good chuckle out of it.

dude that was hilarious.

hahaha the funny part is he was actually getting a response everytime, stupid bitch actually emailed it back twice :lol

seriously i couldn’t believe he got it back both times.

I would have just sent his ass to collections. Eff that.

ya LOL TWICE the first time… ok… then the second ahhahahaa stupid bitch

hes like “its valued at 233.98” or w/e the overdraft fees where at

woooooowww. 7 legs lol.


haha. that shit was so funnie.

That was hilarious… “I’m currently on leave, traveling through time…” :rofl

and will return last week. hahahahaaa


i laughed out loud consistently throughout that entire read. thoroughly enjoyable! great post.