i don't know how, but this is freaking cool

talk about spare time and a whole lot of fun.

nice. that looks like a load of fun.

I love stuff like this soo much.

I have always wanted to do that. Our small engine on the helicopter (APU) isn’t much more than a turbo really, fixed compressor and turbine wheels. I would deff put a steel shield around the plane of explosion on that though, when something lets go at 80,000 it really tends to hurt people. Think of what a reall nice one, one with a good oiling system, a nice stainless combuster and maybe a N1 speed sensor could do. HOTNESS

When it gets too cold to race we have to do other stuff to entertain ourselves!!!

Apparently not cold enough to ditch the sandals and shorts :lol:

That looks like too much fun…

that is awesome

What was the purpose of the beer? To act as a coolant? I think that is fucking awesome how they did that, but does anyone care to explain how everything worked together like that for de-de-de’s like me.

I think they drank the beer…

:wtf: that is an idea… drink the beer

God theres actually some serious thought into that…




ncie post.

:tspry: to ingenuity