I don't typically/EVER do this..Looking for Online Voting help

I’ve got a friend thats on the verge of winning a very big award for a new start up business that will revolutionalize the mobile marketing world, especially for small businesses.

Any rate, the award is out of hundereds of world-wide entrants and he is currently in the top five.

Here is an overview of the business.


If you could, click the link:

enter your e-mail address and confirm the email, I would GREATLY appreciate it.


Voted… I wonder if this would be good in limited rotation here?

Voted…Thank god it’s not one of those sites that makes you like 15 things on facebook or fill out a 30min survey just to vote.


thanks guys… and If i make my millions off this investment, I will buy an NYSpeed track vehicle for the community to abuse at auto-x. :wink:


The numbers are lookin pretty good for them so far.

Cool stuff. I like the pear with a bite out of it on the computer :slight_smile:

3 votes

^bump…could use more votes. This race got close!


looking for one last push here…thanks for the help so far… IT’S CLOSE! 34% to 32% at the moment.